Prodaja, Hiša, Samostojna, Omišalj, Primorsko-goranska, Croatia

Hiša, Samostojna


350.000,00 €



Izgrajeno leta:



Primorsko-goranska, Omišalj

Lokacija v mestu:

Island -Krk -Omišalj

Št. oglasa:


Detajlno o nepremičnini

Opportunity !!!** Urgent and wonderful! Beautiful Villas on the ISLAND of KRK!!!!Island of Krk is an island connected by a bridge, and any place is only 4-5 kilometers, island with beautiful beaches, Archicters and cleanliness..The first big town is away from home 24 kilometers, the City is named the; `RIJEKA`, and is connected by road car, the Villa is located in the first place after the bridge, the name of the town is Omisalj. Since the house is located just -1 kilometer Airport, which in summer is associated with a good line with a lot of countries, the Mansion fully completed in 2006.y. And is due to sudden Death of OUR Parents, URGENT sale.Villa was conducted with love and style, is a detached, neatly furnished and luxury, is situated in the center. From the house only 10 meters away is ;the post office, restaurants, doctor, pharmacy, stores, church. Villa Park looks to the PARK -protection, so it is in the house of peace, and comfortable to sit on the terrace.. The place is very clean, green area, and organized, `Villa` is at the gates of the center, and the sea and beaches, are located 200 meters from the house. The place has a sandy beach, concrete and more beautiful beaches to go to another place to be 4 km, so that every place alive with new beauties... Villa has a beautiful and Nice garden with ;Mediterranean trees and plants, a terrace is coated beautiful external design of ceramics, the terrace entrance to first floor, terrace is large and comfortable for sitting, during the year. On the first floor there is a nice kitchen, living room, toilet, plus a large sleeping room with a toilet, all rooms are nice, new furnished, each room has air -conditioning, internet, satellite, and a separate toilet, inside there are stairs to first floor, or the lateral side of the external stairs, so that the Villa can enter with multiple parties, or close, on request. After the house is space, on the floor again, there is a room with a toilet, kitchen, balcony, all set, plus air conditioning, and left the other room with his toilet, on the top floor there are 2 studios, each studio has a kitchen, bedroom, toilet, table food, and air -conditioning for the upper 2 studios can come from outside, independently, or through the house, the menu .. Under the house is located in the basement, which can be done for 2 or a large studio apartment, papers are clear.Vila be sold immediately, And conveniently, the cost of the agreement, mail the nickos_1976 *** DOT com, mobile phone number is 00385-95-8765-032,Thank you!!!

Dodatne informacije

Priložnost !!!** Nujne in čudovito! Beautiful Hiše na otoku Krku! Otok Krk je otok povezan z mostom, in katerikoli kraj, je le 4-5 kilometrov, otok z lepimi plažami, Archicters in čistoče .. Prvi velik mesto je zdoma 24 km, mesto se imenuje; "RIJEKA", in je povezan s cestnega vozila, Villa se nahaja na prvem mestu po mostu, ime mesta Omišalj. Ker je hiša se nahaja le kilometer -1 Letališče, ki je v poletnih mesecih pa je povezana z dobro linijo z veliko držav, Vila celoti izpolnjen v 2006.y. In je zaradi nenadne smrti najini starši, NUJNO sale.Villa bila izvedena z ljubeznijo in slog, se ločijo, lepo opremljene in luksuz, ki se nahaja v centru. Iz hiše je le 10 metrov je; pošti, restavracije, zdravnika, lekarne, trgovine, cerkve. Vila Park je videti, da je PARK-zaščito, tako da je v hiši mir in udobno sedeti na terasi .. Mesto je zelo čisto, zelene površine, in organizirali, "Vila", je na vratih od centra in morja in plaže, se nahaja 200 metrov od hiše. Kraj je peščena plaža, betonirana in več lepih plaž oditi v drug kraj, ki se 4 km, tako da vsako mesto živi z novim lepote ... Villa ima lep vrt z in Nice; sredozemskega drevesa in rastline, terasa je prevlečena lep zunanji oblikovanje keramike, na terasi vhoda v prvo nadstropje, terasa je velik in udoben za seje, med letom. Na prvem nadstropju je lepo kuhinja, dnevna soba, WC, ter velik spalni prostor z WC-jem, vse sobe so lepe, novo opremljene, vsaka soba ima klimatsko napravo, internet, satelitska, in ločen WC, tam notri so stopnice za prvo nadstropje, ali na bočni strani zunanjih stopnic, tako da je Villa lahko vnesete z več strank, ali blizu, na njihovo zahtevo. Po hiši je prostor, na tleh spet obstaja sobo z WC-jem, kuhinjo, balkon, vse nastavite, plus klima, in prepustiti drugi sobi s svojim wc, v zgornjem nadstropju se nahajata 2 studie, vsak studio ima kuhinjo, spalnico, WC, tabele živil in klimatizacije za zgornji 2 studii lahko pride od zunaj, samostojno ali prek doma, menija .. Pod hišo se nahaja v kleti, kar se lahko stori za 2 ali veliki apartma-studio, dokumenti so clear.Vila treba prodati takoj in priročno, stroške pogodbe, pošta je nickos_1976 *** dot com, mobilni telefon Številka je 00385-95-8765-032, Hvala!

English information

Opportunity !!!** Urgent and wonderful! Beautiful Villas on the ISLAND of KRK!!!!Island of Krk is an island connected by a bridge, and any place is only 4-5 kilometers, island with beautiful beaches, Archicters and cleanliness..The first big town is away from home 24 kilometers, the City is named the; `RIJEKA`, and is connected by road car, the Villa is located in the first place after the bridge, the name of the town is Omisalj. Since the house is located just -1 kilometer Airport, which in summer is associated with a good line with a lot of countries, the Mansion fully completed in 2006.y. And is due to sudden Death of OUR Parents, URGENT sale.Villa was conducted with love and style, is a detached, neatly furnished and luxury, is situated in the center. From the house only 10 meters away is ;the post office, restaurants, doctor, pharmacy, stores, church. Villa Park looks to the PARK -protection, so it is in the house of peace, and comfortable to sit on the terrace.. The place is very clean, green area, and organized, `Villa` is at the gates of the center, and the sea and beaches, are located 200 meters from the house. The place has a sandy beach, concrete and more beautiful beaches to go to another place to be 4 km, so that every place alive with new beauties... Villa has a beautiful and Nice garden with ;Mediterranean trees and plants, a terrace is coated beautiful external design of ceramics, the terrace entrance to first floor, terrace is large and comfortable for sitting, during the year. On the first floor there is a nice kitchen, living room, toilet, plus a large sleeping room with a toilet, all rooms are nice, new furnished, each room has air -conditioning, internet, satellite, and a separate toilet, inside there are stairs to first floor, or the lateral side of the external stairs, so that the Villa can enter with multiple parties, or close, on request. After the house is space, on the floor again, there is a room with a toilet, kitchen, balcony, all set, plus air conditioning, and left the other room with his toilet, on the top floor there are 2 studios, each studio has a kitchen, bedroom, toilet, table food, and air -conditioning for the upper 2 studios can come from outside, independently, or through the house, the menu .. Under the house is located in the basement, which can be done for 2 or a large studio apartment, papers are clear.Vila be sold immediately, And conveniently, the cost of the agreement, mail the nickos_1976 *** DOT com, mobile phone number is 00385-95-8765-032,Thank you!!!


Telefon: +385958765032

Število ogledov oglasa 5768