Oddaja, Stanovanje, Soba, Bežigrad, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Stanovanje, Soba


330,00 €



Izgrajeno leta:



Ljubljana, Bežigrad

Lokacija v mestu:

Herbersteinova ulica 19

Št. oglasa:


Detajlno o nepremičnini

Stanovanje Herbersteinova se nahaja za Bežigradom - mirnem, stanovanjskem naselju, ki je v neposredni bližini centra mesta. Do središča mesta boste prispeli po petih minutah vožnje ali manj kot 30 minut hoje, če se želite sprehoditi in si ogledati vso lepo okolico našega mesta. Velika prednost tega dela mesta so dobre povezave z javnim prevozom. Ob Dunajski ulici, ki je ena glavnih cest, ki vodijo v središče mesta, so številne avtobusne postaje. Stanovanje je v neposredni bližini Dunajske ulice, hkrati pa je dovolj oddaljeno od glavne ceste, zaradi česar boste imeli dovolj miru in tišine. V bližini stanovanja se nahajajo številne univerze, kot so: Ekonomska fakulteta, Fakulteta za upravo, Pedagoška fakulteta in Fakulteta za družbene vede. Stanovanje se nahaja v drugem nadstropju stanovanjske stavbe. Na voljo je 7 ležišč v dveh prostornih spalnicah, na novo prenovljena kopalnica, velika kuhinja z vsemi potrebnimi aparati in kuhinjskimi pripomočki ter balkon. Cena najema je 330 € / posteljo. V ceno so vključeni vsi obratovalni stroški (elektrika, voda, ogrevanje) in internet. Pred začetkom najema je potrebno podpisati pogodbo in plačati prvo najemnino ter varščino v višini ene mesečne najemnine, ki se po izteku pogodbe vrne najemniku, v kolikor najemnik zapusti sobo v enakem stanju, kot jo je prevzel.

Dodatne informacije

Soba v stanovanju v Herbersteinovi ulici / Herbersteinova Apartment

English information

Herbersteinova Apartment is located in Bežigrad - a quiet, residential area, which is in very close proximity to the city center. You will reach the city center after a five-minute drive or if you feel like walking and taking in all the beautiful surroundings of our city, it will take you less than 30 minutes by foot. The big advantage of the area is its good public transport connections. There are numerous bus stations along Dunajska Street, which is one of the main roads that lead to the city center. The apartment is in the close vicinity of Dunajska street, but at the same time there is a sufficient distance from the main road, due to which you will have enough peace and quiet. Within walking distance of the apartment, you will find many universities, such as: School of Economics and Business, Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Social Sciences. The apartment is situated on the second floor of the residential building. There are 7 beds in two spacious bedrooms, a newly renovated bathroom, a big kitchen area with all the necessary appliances and kitchen utensils. There is also a balcony overlooking the suburban area. The price is 330 € / bed per month. It includes all the utilities (electricity, water, heat and internet). Before the start of the lease, it is necessary to sign the contract and pay the 1st rent and a damage security deposit in the amount of one month's rent, which is returned to the tenant after the expiration of the contract, provided that the tenant leaves the room in the same condition he or she took it over.


Telefon: +38664199103
GSM: +38664199103

Število ogledov oglasa 7246

Morda vas bodo zanimale tudi te nepremičnine

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