Oddaja, Stanovanje, Trosobno, Center, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Stanovanje, Trosobno


1.700,00 €



Izgrajeno leta:



Ljubljana, Center

Lokacija v mestu:

Stara Ljubjana

Št. oglasa:


Detajlno o nepremičnini

100 m2, 3-sobno, adaptirano l. 2019, 1/3 nad., 2 bedrooms, furnished, American fridge, Dishwasher, Washer-Dryer, kitchen appliances, 2xHDMI projector stand, Hi-Fi surround ready, IR sauna, Turkish sauna ready.

Dodatne informacije

Stanovanje v 3 nadstropni hiši iz 15. stoletja je na odlični lokaciji v samem srcu Stare Ljubljane poleg centralne tržnice. Stanovanje je bilo popolnoma in kvalitetno prenovljeno leta 2019, sama stavba pa je bila ponovno zgrajena pred približno 20 leti (razen sprednje fasade), ki z do 1m debelimi zidovi ohranja temperaturo poleti nizko, pozimi pa zagotavlja odlično izolacijo, zaradi česar so stroški ogrevanja zelo razumni. Povprečni stroški komunalnih storitev (voda, elektrika, ogrevanje, smeti) so približno. 100 € na mesec. Vhod v stanovanje vas popelje skozi reprezentančni hodnik z rdečo preprogo na koncu katerega je WC za goste (toaletna školjka in pisuar). Desno pridete v veliko dnevno sobo z raztegljivo sedežno garnituro in jedilno mizo (je nova). Dnevna soba ima tudi infrastrukturo za hišni kino (HDMI projektor). Iz dnevne sobe pridete do novozgrajene in opremljene kuhinje z velikim ameriškim hladilnikom. Na desni strani se nahaja potencialna pisarna ali otroška spalnica s popolnoma novo posteljo iz trdega lesa in kakovostno vzmetnico. Na levi je glavna spalnica z električno več nivojsko posteljo ter omara zanjo in zanj. Obstaja tudi potencialni izhod na grajski hrib, ki ga trenutno uporabljamo kot shrambo (približno 10 kvadratnih metrov). Če se premikate naprej od glavne spalnice, je na desni manjša omara utility, naprej pa vhod v SPA z velikim tušem (predpriprava za turško savno) in infrardečo savno na levi strani ter rustikalno kadjo na sredini. Družinska kopalnica se nahaja na desni strani s pralno-sušilnim strojem. V skupnem atriju hiše je tudi parkirno mesto za kolesa in čeprav se hiša nahaja na območju za pešce, je dostop z avtomobilom možen vsak dan do 10. ure s posebnim dovoljenjem za stanovalce. Obstaja tudi možnost parkirnega mesta v garaži na Kongresnem trgu za mesečno doplačilo.

English information

The apartment is located in an old 3-storey house dated back to 15th century and has undergone a complete renovation in 2019. The building itself was entirely rebuild about 20 years ago and it is very structurally sound with up to 1m thick walls that keep temperatures in summers low and in winters ensure a great isolation so the costs of heating are very reasonable. The average costs of utilities (water, electricity, heating, garbage) are approx. 100 € per month. The entrance of the apartment takes you through a representative red carpeted hallway with guest’s toilette (toilet bowl and pissoir) to a big living room with lounge area and kitchen table (which is new and round). From the living room you segway to a newly build kitchen with big American style refrigerator. On the right there is a potential office area or kid/guest bedroom with totally new hardwood bed and quality mattress. On the left there is the master bedroom with electric multilevel master bed and his and hers wardrobe. There is also a potential exit to the castle hill which at the moment we use a storage area (about 10 sq. m.). Moving forward from the master bedroom there is a small utility area and entrance to the SPA area with big shower (pre-prepared for Turkish sauna) and infrared sauna on the left with a rustic bathtub in the middle. The family bathroom is on the right with washer/dryer. There is also a parking space for bikes in the common atrium of the house. The house stands in a compact series of houses on the south side of the square opposite from the Ljubljana Cathedral (Church of St. Nikolai) and has a four-axis historically shaped facade from the first half of the 19th century. There are many restaurants, boutiques and daily shops in the area but everything closes in the evening so you don’t have to worry about the noise from the street since none of the walls of the apartment face to the street but rather to the castle hill so more or less all you hear is birds singing. Although the house is situated in the pedestrian area of the city it can be accessible with the car every day till 10 AM with a special permit for residents. There is also possibility for a residential parking space in the garage at Kongresni square for an extra monthly charge.


Telefon: + 41789800028
GSM: + 41789800028

Število ogledov oglasa 6393

Morda vas bodo zanimale tudi te nepremičnine

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650.000,00 €

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Št. oglasa: 14806